Pra žíme


The Kafe Francin roastery was founded in 2016 in Malešice, Prague, after the opening of the Kafe Francin café in Holešovice, we were growing on the spot for a while, in front of our customers, but we are growing, so we returned to Malešice, where we still roast in larger areas to this day, exclusively coffee and specialty coffee (clear origin, hand picking and high grain quality).

Boys of Francin

"Customer satisfaction is number one for us. We know that we are developing together with our clients. ”

František and Olda

The guys at Francin are happy to taste each customer and introduce their coffee the way they like it. However, if the client's idea differs, it is not a problem to choose another grain, or to adjust the roasting method so that the quality is maintained and the taste corresponds to a specific wish.


We will take care of those of you who choose coffee for home or work, as well as cafe owners.


Our cooperation definitely does not end with the purchase of coffee from us. We value personal relationships and we want everything to be perfect, so we offer you initial and ongoing staff training, tastings (cuppings) and consultations.

The purpose of the basic course is first and foremost
  • tell you where and how coffee is grown, how it is processed and how coffee is selected by us at KF
  • to teach you coffee nomenclature and also to know how to make espresso, even practically :)
  • to show and teach you to work with the coffee machine, the grinder, so that they become your helpers and not enemies.
Range of about 5 to 6 hours with a lunch break
This course goes more in depth than the basic course. The emphasis is more on gaining practical knowledge that will make your life behind the coffee machine easier. You will learn by name and in points on the course
  • Working with a grinder and coffee machine - including their precise setting
  • how to make espresso properly, how extraction affects the taste profile of coffee
  • how to simply whisk milk in a latiera
  • how to ideally organize your work and the space behind the bar or cafe, so that you don't go crazy over time
  • how to choose the right coffee for your cafe, in the form of coffee tastings (so-called cupping)
The time range is about 7 to 8 hours, including a lunch break
A course for all who are not from the old Italian school and like coffee a little differently. Our experienced barista Olda Vas will teach you how to make coffee at home without having to buy a professional coffee machine. So suitable for those who enjoy drip and filtered coffee.

Time range is about 4 hours